GradeBook for Windows Version

To ALLTeachers: Do you need a program to maintain your students' Test Scores and other Grades? Why use a Grade Book, when you can use a GradeBook program?

The GradeBook program is a Windows program designed for Teachers of all grade levels. It is easy to use and very flexible. At the beginning of the school year (or term), you would set-up your classes (there is also an Import Option). For each class you enter the student's Last Name, and optionally, First Name, MI, ID, Homeroom, and Gender. Each class can contain as many Semesters as needed, as well as any number of Marking Periods per Semester. Several Grade Types are built-in, e.g. Test, Quiz, Homework. However, you can add additional Types for a given class or for all classes. As new grades are entered, the new averages are constantly updated. For a given class, you can compute the Marking Period averages in either of two ways: 1. Each Grade is given a Maximum Score and a Weight Factor. 2. Each Grade Type will (collectively) count for a specified percentage of the Average. For more information, click the E-Mail link above. To download a fully functional Demo of the program (with reasonably complete context-sensitive help), click on the link to the upper-right. Un-zip the file ( and run the setup.exe file that results. The program has been in use by many teachers for the last three years--with great success.

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Download the Complete Demo Version of GradeBook It's fully functional and good for 30 days/15 separate days, whichever is longer. The actual cost is $25. (Approx. 6.6 MB)

Sample Printouts



It's Finally here! Version 2 with great Attendance features.

Also: NEW features for Elementary School Teachers!

Sample Screen Shots (1)

Some Additions:

  1. Several kinds of statistics are now available, both in data form and graphical form.
  2. You can send progress reports via E-Mail. Besides using a Form Letter, you can specify comments for up to 5 ranges of MP average. You can also (new to V2.3.3) add comments for individual students.
  3. Grades can be entered as numbers or as Letters.
  4. Student Information can be imported from a text file
  5. All of the comments for a particular set of scores can be displayed and printed in various ways. You can also edit a Comment previously entered.
  6. Individual Student MP printouts will now be in the same (Grade) order as the display currently shows.
  7. You can obtain multiple printouts (e.g. all 3rd MP's)
  8. You can open from and save to any directory.
  9. The Report Dialog has been streamlined. Menus now replace the multitide of check boxes and Radio buttons.
  10. You can now create one or more Common Classes. This is useful if you teach several subjects to the same (or almost the same) students.
  11. Progress Reports can now include class averages for each grade or for all grades of specific types.

Great new Attendance Features, including:

  1. You can add as many Attendance Items to the pre-set list as you want. For example, Missed Lab, Advisory, etc.
  2. Each student can have multiple Items for a given period and day. For example, Sent to Office, and Return to Class
  3. Each Item has an optional Comment field, where you can enter anything you want. For Example, the time.
  4. Several different types of screen and printed reports available, including Daily Reports.
  5. Easy to enter data
  6. Easy to modify/delete data.
  7. You can now Curve a Grade from several classes together.
  8. You can now setup Cycle Days for use with the Attendance features.

Go to the Download Page for other download options.
Sample Screen Shots (2)

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